While reviewing our HA setup, I Noticed that the Standby server does not have two “PEP’s” that the main CP server has, CPSECPEP010S & CPSECPEPSP2S.
Should both Servers be the same?
The HA: Installation and Configuration NTP (NN44200-311) states:
To ensure that the pair of CallPilot servers functions correctly, both CallPilot servers must be running the same PEPs and Service Updates (SUs). Due to the mirroring software, the mirrored drives cannot be accessed on the standby server. As a result, PEPs that impact the database or MMFS must be installed on the active CallPilot server.
So is the last sentence saying that Security, hot fixes and Service updates only are installed on the active server and what I see using the PEP Maintenance Utility is correct.
Should both Servers be the same?
The HA: Installation and Configuration NTP (NN44200-311) states:
To ensure that the pair of CallPilot servers functions correctly, both CallPilot servers must be running the same PEPs and Service Updates (SUs). Due to the mirroring software, the mirrored drives cannot be accessed on the standby server. As a result, PEPs that impact the database or MMFS must be installed on the active CallPilot server.
So is the last sentence saying that Security, hot fixes and Service updates only are installed on the active server and what I see using the PEP Maintenance Utility is correct.