Now now Ishnid,
Are we gonna start one of those emacs / vi wars?
Each to their own I say. Live and let live.
But I can war if I feel that way inclined!!! ;-)
*runs and hides*
No, seriously, I think SCiTe is exactly what the OP was looking for; I recommend you guys give it a try. While it may not replace vi or Emacs to an aficionado, it is very neat.
-Haben sie fosforos?
-No tiengo caballero, but I have un briquet.
You should have been starred already for this without my having to be goaded... (blushing)
SciTE has been filling the bill quite nicely.
Actually, I think KDE's Kate is about the best programming editor I've ever used, though I certainly prefer vi if I'm stuck in text mode and need something quick and dirty.
Not to say I'm *dissing* emacs in any way, I just find vi easier.
Haha, alright, alright, let's stop saying the 'v' word and the 'e' word
I've actually never tried Kate, not being a KDE user, and not being that promiscuous in general.
-Haben sie fosforos?
-No tiengo caballero, but I have un briquet.
Anyone know what I hit in Vim to get a -perl file with functions and e lines i entered...? =) Gotta love Vim, even when it's doing something I didn't quite follow.
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