Good morning tech's
My question today is about wireless security.
I have installed a test domain and a test access point.
Testdomain: dc and certificate server. global group named ggwirelesscomputers and ggwirelessusers. testuser: wirelessuser member of ggwirelessusers computer member of wirelesscomputers. Made a policy on the ias server and granted the user access based on the groupmemberships. Did a autoenrole for the sertivicate and when member trys to access the wirless accesspoint the accesspoint gets to the radius (ias) server and looks if the computer has a sertvicate. All works fine so far.
problem: user from other office (domain) comes working at my office computer is no member of the domain and has no access to this access point but needs access to my local network resourses. How can i connect this computer? I cant enrole a sertivicate and even if i install it manualy it has no computer account in ad that i can make member of the ggwirelesscomputers group.
Hope someone can help me out here.
best regards lars
Network admin for worldwide freight forwarders company.
mcp mcsa\: Messaging mcse -2003
My question today is about wireless security.
I have installed a test domain and a test access point.
Testdomain: dc and certificate server. global group named ggwirelesscomputers and ggwirelessusers. testuser: wirelessuser member of ggwirelessusers computer member of wirelesscomputers. Made a policy on the ias server and granted the user access based on the groupmemberships. Did a autoenrole for the sertivicate and when member trys to access the wirless accesspoint the accesspoint gets to the radius (ias) server and looks if the computer has a sertvicate. All works fine so far.
problem: user from other office (domain) comes working at my office computer is no member of the domain and has no access to this access point but needs access to my local network resourses. How can i connect this computer? I cant enrole a sertivicate and even if i install it manualy it has no computer account in ad that i can make member of the ggwirelesscomputers group.
Hope someone can help me out here.
best regards lars
Network admin for worldwide freight forwarders company.
mcp mcsa\: Messaging mcse -2003