This is a complicated problem. I have a network of about 30 people spread out around the world. We have a Server running Citrix Metaframe on top of Windows Server 2003 SP1. Along with that we have Peachtree 2005. The in-office employees use Peachtree locally while the users in Australia and Texas use Peachtree over Citrix. About once per day the users from Australia or Texas claim that Peachtree is giving them the error "Cannot open Peachtree, another user is already using the program..." The only solution i know of is to log everyone out of Peachtree, go to the server that hosts the company files and kill all the open files related to peachtree and then log them all back in. Trying to coordinate this event with 6 users on 3 different continents is a severe pain. Anyone have any Idea why this happens and what could be a solution for it?
Some new information came up recently that I havent had time to test out a theory for yet. One of the LOCAL users told me that she logs in with a outside user's name and password every once in a while to do some things that she doesnt have access to. Would that possibly be what is causing the problem? Let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thank you.
Some new information came up recently that I havent had time to test out a theory for yet. One of the LOCAL users told me that she logs in with a outside user's name and password every once in a while to do some things that she doesnt have access to. Would that possibly be what is causing the problem? Let me know if anyone has any thoughts. Thank you.