I've created my first program that I would like to install on different computers. All have W95 OS's. I'm using VB6 Pro on a computer that has NT 4.00 OS.
The program needs to access to 4 different Access db's. All on a Novell Server, our G: drive.
I've run the PDW Wizard and it will install the program, but during the last part of the install, the DATAFORM.ocx and APPWIZ.ocx will not register. If I choose "retry", it still will not register. I than chose "ignor" and it finished the install but during running of the program it will not connect to the db. I've got the connect statement in the code as ....connection=opendatabase("Database.mdb"
.Even if I place the db in the same file as the .exe, it will not open the db.I need to have the db on the server, not on a local box so multiple users can access the db's.
I've installed MDAC 95 on the computers I'm trying to install my app.
I've looked for info on the PDW with regard to the file errors but have yet tofind the right references.
Any suggestions, hints or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I've created my first program that I would like to install on different computers. All have W95 OS's. I'm using VB6 Pro on a computer that has NT 4.00 OS.
The program needs to access to 4 different Access db's. All on a Novell Server, our G: drive.
I've run the PDW Wizard and it will install the program, but during the last part of the install, the DATAFORM.ocx and APPWIZ.ocx will not register. If I choose "retry", it still will not register. I than chose "ignor" and it finished the install but during running of the program it will not connect to the db. I've got the connect statement in the code as ....connection=opendatabase("Database.mdb"
I've installed MDAC 95 on the computers I'm trying to install my app.
I've looked for info on the PDW with regard to the file errors but have yet tofind the right references.
Any suggestions, hints or direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.