I've just started learning to create websites. I'm trying to have a SQL query that returns a single value, but can't figure out if there is an elegant solution to what I'm trying to achieve.
Is there a single line of code I can use to assign the SQL query result to the AccountManagers variable?
Is there a single line of code I can use to assign the SQL query result to the AccountManagers variable?
$db = new PDO('sqlite:.\database\siteinfo.db');
<!--Choose list of companies-->
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
<p>Company Name:
<select name="CompanySelection">
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CompanyName from CustomerDetails";
foreach ($db->query($sql) as $row)
echo '<option value="'.$row['CompanyName'].'">'.$row['CompanyName'].'</option>';
<input name="CompanySelectionButton" type="submit" value="Select"/>
if ($_POST)
[COLOR=#ff0000]$AccountManager=$db->query('SELECT AccountManager FROM CustomerDetails WHERE CompanyName='.$CompanyName);[/color]
echo '<h1>Customer Details - '.$CompanyName.'</h1>';
echo '<hr />
<th>Company Name:</th>
<th>Account Manager:</th>