I'm having trouble with pdf files.
When i open a pdf file in a new window, the title shows the entire URL of the pdf page. Is there any way to take this title out? Or is there a way to change that title from the URL to something like "Generated Report"?
here's the code:
<a href="Javascript:;" onclick="window.open('#RptName#.pdf','print','width=636,height=580,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,title=Mainframe Reports');">#RptTitle#</a></td>
When i open a pdf file in a new window, the title shows the entire URL of the pdf page. Is there any way to take this title out? Or is there a way to change that title from the URL to something like "Generated Report"?
here's the code:
<a href="Javascript:;" onclick="window.open('#RptName#.pdf','print','width=636,height=580,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,title=Mainframe Reports');">#RptTitle#</a></td>