When 'n print to a network printer using a jetdirect printserver i get a pcl xl error. The jetdirect is set to use the ipx protocol and my workstasions default protocol is ip. When i set the workstation to default ipx it work correctly most of the time.
My question: Is it the driver of the printer or the comunication over the network?
PS.Most of the error messages happens When using a custom template in ms word.
When 'n print to a network printer using a jetdirect printserver i get a pcl xl error. The jetdirect is set to use the ipx protocol and my workstasions default protocol is ip. When i set the workstation to default ipx it work correctly most of the time.
My question: Is it the driver of the printer or the comunication over the network?
PS.Most of the error messages happens When using a custom template in ms word.