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PCChips 767V (via 693 & 596a?)

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
its got a crap via apollo pro plus chipset. now im stuck with windows 98. if i try a nt based whether it be nt4, 2k, xp, it randomly dies on me saying page fault in non paged, irql not less than or equal, or randomly freezes/reboots. 98 is buggy in it itself so id like to step up. iv tried everything there can be done from bios tweaks to flashing it.

i did flash the bios about 3 years ago. im not sure if it was before or after but at the time i was using win2k pro beta fine. then i went back to 98 because my old voodoo2 didnt work in 2k. so this said, im not sure if the new bios is incompatible or what? because i needed to flash in order for it to knkow i have a p3 and not a p2. i checked on pcchips lousy website to see if they had old bioses but noo. i dont think this is to blame anyways but it could be.

The errors you are seeing are almost certainly driver-related. Will NT/W2k not load in VGA mode? Then you could try using the latest drivers for your hardware - there may be support for your Voodoo card somewhere.

If not, I'd say that the best help your PC could get would be financial - ie upgrade to a decent motherboard.

I hope this is helpful CitrixEngineer@yahoo.co.uk
well thing is that it bloody dies in setup tons of times. with my friend it wsa because he oced it and the chipset overheated but i am not bloody o/cing. i thought of it as driver related but tried numerous drivers without luck. via sp's, 3dfx drivers, it all!
If it dies in setup, problems could be related to the BIOS virus checking thing. I've had heaps of problems installing windows in the past until I found that most times you have to disable that.
aye mate iv tried everything :-D it dies in setup sometimes but then again sometimes i can get past it and get into 2k/xp. but then it spontaneously reboots/halts/bluescreens on me
hrm but thing is i used many different sticks including my friends and the ones in my current box.
also how come bad ram will allow win98 and linux to run just fine and not any of the nt's? bad ram caused my friend to segfault nonstop in linux...
If you're just convinced you've tried everything I guess there's nothing to try! Mikl
Onother thing that you may try: disable the Power mgmt settings in BIOS setup. It causes tons of greef, 't might be your problem.

The board may not be fully ACPI compliant. You could try disabling ACPI in BIOS and installing windows again as a standard PC configuration. A BIOS upgrade might be available.
I'd certainly recommend replacing the mobo with something better.
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