This is really bugging me and I bet it's simple! I have two locations, connected via a 2MB leased line with a Cisco 2600 at each end. Northern has an IP range of 192.168.200.xxx and Southern is 192.168.100.xxx. I can pcanywhere from any of the .200 machines to any of the .100 machines and I can pcanywhere from the .100 machines to the .200 machines, BUT I can't pcanywhere from a .200 machine to a .200 machine!
Where am I going wrong - do I need to bypass the routing table somehow onmy WAN (will it let me out and not back in??)
Many Thanks,
This is really bugging me and I bet it's simple! I have two locations, connected via a 2MB leased line with a Cisco 2600 at each end. Northern has an IP range of 192.168.200.xxx and Southern is 192.168.100.xxx. I can pcanywhere from any of the .200 machines to any of the .100 machines and I can pcanywhere from the .100 machines to the .200 machines, BUT I can't pcanywhere from a .200 machine to a .200 machine!
Where am I going wrong - do I need to bypass the routing table somehow onmy WAN (will it let me out and not back in??)
Many Thanks,