I have an old workstation monitor with the 5-BNC connections in back. I have the cable that goes from 15-pin VGA card to 5-bnc monitor. This is a Windows 98 PC. However, this results in a badly out-of-sync display, no amount of adjustment on the internal horiz/vert pots is helping. I can get it close, where I can see the windows' icons, but it's very distorted. I've heard about some of these old monitors being 'sync-on-green', and when I remove the green bnc, it has a dramatic effect on the display, it's almost right, but of course no green color.
So the question is: Is there a readily available circuit filter (or whatever) to go inline between the monitor and the vga card that will make this perfect? It's a great 19" monitor (Hitachi), I've seen it on the workstation it was on, and I'd like to make use of it. I know 19" monitors are only about 200$ these days, so any solution would have to be considerably less than that. Thanks for any help...
I have an old workstation monitor with the 5-BNC connections in back. I have the cable that goes from 15-pin VGA card to 5-bnc monitor. This is a Windows 98 PC. However, this results in a badly out-of-sync display, no amount of adjustment on the internal horiz/vert pots is helping. I can get it close, where I can see the windows' icons, but it's very distorted. I've heard about some of these old monitors being 'sync-on-green', and when I remove the green bnc, it has a dramatic effect on the display, it's almost right, but of course no green color.
So the question is: Is there a readily available circuit filter (or whatever) to go inline between the monitor and the vga card that will make this perfect? It's a great 19" monitor (Hitachi), I've seen it on the workstation it was on, and I'd like to make use of it. I know 19" monitors are only about 200$ these days, so any solution would have to be considerably less than that. Thanks for any help...