Working on a G4 that is supposed to be upgraded.
It's a 450MHz right now, want to make it a 800MHz. Is this just a simple upgrade (similar to a PC upgrade?)
Also, do Macs use the same type of hard drives as PCs? Can I just install a 80 GB Western DIgital and format it for the Mac?
Third part of the upgrade is a CD Burner. Essectially the same question as the HDD Q above.
Any good sites to buy this stuff?
Thanks for any help.
It's a 450MHz right now, want to make it a 800MHz. Is this just a simple upgrade (similar to a PC upgrade?)
Also, do Macs use the same type of hard drives as PCs? Can I just install a 80 GB Western DIgital and format it for the Mac?
Third part of the upgrade is a CD Burner. Essectially the same question as the HDD Q above.
Any good sites to buy this stuff?
Thanks for any help.