This is my setup4 2.2, 1 Gig Rambus, Intel MB, 80 and 20 GB HDD and Radeon 97000 Pro. All of the sudden my computer is getting up near 107 to 108 when I play AOE or Command and Conquor. It starts freezing upa nd getting all goofy. I updated drivers to latest drivers for the radeon and that did nothing. I have a front fan blowing in, a fan on the side blowing out, one in the back blowing out , one on the hard drives in and an exhaust fan right by the vid card. WTF!!! When I checked inside the case the last time it did this, which is everytime I play a game now, it seemed that the vid card was hot and the processor wasnt hot at all. is the intel active monitor on crack? Any ideas appreciated!1