Small PC voicemail on Partner 7.0
I moved mailbox 2 to ext 23.
Every time the power goes out, the voicemail resets this mailbox back to 11.
Is there a fix for this.
You should have done a full factory default on the voice mail before the initial programming. If you have any selector codes in the Auto Attendant, or anyone changed their password, you'll find those back at default settings after a power failure as well.
You'll need to do the factory default, then redo your programming.
Unfortunatly, if it is listed in a public forum, than ANYONE could dial in after you are done, and default it again. So it's not something that should be circulated publicly. You should contact an Avaya Business Partner, or if you ARE one, contact the tech support of your distributor.
This is directly in the manual and is recommended as step 1 when installing PC card vmail even when new. You do not have to pay a VENDOR for this information.
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