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PC hanging when using a Ghost boot disk

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Nov 7, 2002
Hello all you technical wizards....

I'm trying to create another boot disk, this time for a Compaq Deskpro EN.

The NIC is an Intel Pro100.

I have downloaded the e100b.dos driver for the card and used Norton Ghost Boot Wizard to create the disk. The PC seems to boot OK using the disk but then it gets halfway into Ghost and just hangs with the floppy disk light remaining on. :-(

Has anyone ever encountered this before? Is there something wrong with the network driver maybe? (I used an NDIS2 Type driver).

Thanks in advance for your help :)

option 1
protocol.ini file needs to be amended
ie drivername= E100B$


ghost boot disk uses the IBM dos files and not MS 6.22
so something else to try

1. use NT4 server to create an initial network boot disk
(select the NIC you want in your case the closest match in the list)
2. once the disk is done amend protocol.ini file with the correct drivename
3. place the correct NIC drivers on the disk
4. copy the ghost???.exe onto the disk
5. in the autoexec.bat file put something like "run ghost???.exe at the end

(where ghost???.exe is the name of the ghost program)
Thanks for your response immacola.

The protocol.ini looks like this -



drivername = E100B$
SPEED = 100

Is the drivername supposed to be E100B$ under pktdrv???

RE Option2 -

I have W2K installed on our servers (and workstations). I've never used it to create a network boot disk before... I didn't even know it was possible! I have created working boot disks using Ghost before - I don't see why this one won't work! :-(

Thanks again for your help.


my protocol.ini file



drivername = E100B$
my config.sys

DEVICE=\net\protman.dos /I:\net


my autoexec.bat file

@echo off
prompt $p$g
cd \ghost
echo Loading...


only NT4 server had the option to make network boot disk and there is documenatation on how to add new NICs to its list too

also see for boot disk etc
where you can fit all NIC drivers on 1 disk, it will autodetect etc and connect you to the network. afterwhich swap the disk and put in the disc with the ghost.exe file and run it etc etc


also something I forgot to mention
I used this boot disk in 2 identical machines the boot disk worked in one but not in the other....
Ran into a similar problem. turns out intel ndis doesn't always like pc-dos so...
on a win98 computer
format a floppy and check the add system files option
on the floppy attrib the command.com so it is NOT hidden [-h]
under the ghost boot disk wizard when it gives you the option of ms-dos - feed it the win98 sys floppy
use the ms-dos option when creating your disk
this worked for us
there is sometimes an issue with ghost 7.5 and VPartition.dll
Try going to symantecs web site, do a search of the kb, and try downloading the NEW VPartition.dll
jrjacobs is right... I ran into the EXACT same problem with the exact same NIC... I was running the PCDOS to boot for Ghost... HANG... every time, then I Switched to MSDOS, and it worked with no problem. I use Ghost 7.5

Hopefully someone reads this as it will no doubt be a bit outdated but here goes. I'm ussing Ghost 7.5 boot disks to muli-cast to Dell CPX and C series laptops with C/Dock 2 docking stations with 3c905b NIC's. I've tried using both PC and MS DOS versions of boot disks. The disk find the hardware, the ghost software loads up, I then goto the muli-casting option. Once I hit enter I get to the initializing packet driver and IP address splash near the bottom of the page and Ghost just sits there. I've verified that my network and DHCP configs are correct by using a known good Ghost 6.5 boot disk which seems to work fine. Has anyone ever seen this???
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