Hi EveryonToday I was unable to place a call, after dial 9,
(to get tone) I got a fast busy tone...
My questions are:
how I can check if my links are up or if they are down.?
after I while I was unable to enter into the terminal.
It was freeze, so the only drastical solution was to power the pbx down.
how I can get the current release software?
There is something like a cookbook in order to make some troubleshooting for this kind of problems?
thanks in advance for you comments and your help.
I tried to find info at FAQ,s TAB but there is nothing related.
(to get tone) I got a fast busy tone...
My questions are:
how I can check if my links are up or if they are down.?
after I while I was unable to enter into the terminal.
It was freeze, so the only drastical solution was to power the pbx down.
how I can get the current release software?
There is something like a cookbook in order to make some troubleshooting for this kind of problems?
thanks in advance for you comments and your help.
I tried to find info at FAQ,s TAB but there is nothing related.