I'm creating a crosstab.
I need to put the description of the cells on lign instead of column.
Is it possible ?
ex : prod | Lib prod Value | nb
*** | ***
value and Nb appear in column. i want them in lign
I don't know what is your report must be done but sometimes a cross table was be tough to do. Last time, I must create a view to put information in a right structure to create a crosstab like I want. Maybe is your case.
If you want to share your information about your report maybe I will help you.
I have some informations to put in my cross table:
- Product's code and product's name in line
- The year and the month in column
- And in the cells the value of the product and their quantity.
I have to show the evolution year by year and month by month.
There is groupment by product, by year and by month.
I have problem to put the wording of the cell in line.
For ex. :
1234 Shoes
values 100.00
quantity 20
Impromptu doesn't allow me to put "values" and "quantity" in line like in the example.
No problem with you're english, I'm french too ...
Effectively, you can't do this directly. By default Impromptu formating a cross table by column.
But what's mean VALUES and QUANTITY? Because, if one of those is a sum of a detail it will possible to show one detail, for exemple VALUES and one summary like QUANTITY where's QUANTITY it's number of line.
I hope this explanation will help you. Tell me if this idea is possible or not.
Maybe it's possible to simulate cross table with view.
GilMerc is right, Impromptu does not have that functionality.
The closest you can get would be to create a calculated column for each year and month required, then put your summarized values in a group footer.
You could create a view, but I'm not sure how you would write the SQL to accomplish what you require.
Lastly, you could create a summary table to format the data in this way, but it would be an abnormal table at best.
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