I have a small call centre that they are kicking everyone out of the office as part of their COVID response. Personally, I'd rather they didn't as they are not very tech minded, but I don't sit on the board so I don't get to make the decisions 
To start, system is running IPO SE Local sets and users are running off a 500v2 node with 2 PRI and a bunch of digital stations. Call recording is done via Voicemail Pro ports and Xima Chronicall.
They are going to be running VPNs for their data needs so they have decided to run a softphone for their telephony.
My problem is trying to figure out how to do the equivalent of pressing their "Pause Recording" button that they have on their 9508 sets. They are required to do so whenever they take payment information from their customers. I'm sure that there are times when it gets forgotten but we need to offer them a solution that will work via a softphone.
I've not played with the IX application or whatever they are calling it this week. Does this allow you to pause recordings made via the voice recording tab to the VRL? Is there a way to do it with Avaya Communicator?
- Qz
To start, system is running IPO SE Local sets and users are running off a 500v2 node with 2 PRI and a bunch of digital stations. Call recording is done via Voicemail Pro ports and Xima Chronicall.
They are going to be running VPNs for their data needs so they have decided to run a softphone for their telephony.
My problem is trying to figure out how to do the equivalent of pressing their "Pause Recording" button that they have on their 9508 sets. They are required to do so whenever they take payment information from their customers. I'm sure that there are times when it gets forgotten but we need to offer them a solution that will work via a softphone.
I've not played with the IX application or whatever they are calling it this week. Does this allow you to pause recordings made via the voice recording tab to the VRL? Is there a way to do it with Avaya Communicator?
- Qz