I'm working on an access app that prompts the user if the date is correct for the following procedure. If the user selects NO, a new form pops up with a textbox to enter the desired date. This portions works well, but after the new form pops up for user to change the date the code keeps going. Here's what I mean:
Thank you for your advice!
I'm working on an access app that prompts the user if the date is correct for the following procedure. If the user selects NO, a new form pops up with a textbox to enter the desired date. This portions works well, but after the new form pops up for user to change the date the code keeps going. Here's what I mean:
Msg = "Do you want response date to off:" & " & responseDate & " & "?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "ALERT"
Ctxt = 1000
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title, Ctxt, Response)
If Response = vbNo Then
DoCmd.OpenForm ("Frm_ResponseDate")
'Here the new form pops open but the code goes on below! I would like for the code to pause here until the user enters a new date in the pop up form!
End If
Thank you for your advice!