Hi, people!
I have a macro which will open every file in a folder and will call another macro to perform the same action to each file:
that's all fine, but I would like to be able to open each file in the folder, and if a certain criterion is met, pause the macro to allow me to manually edit the document and only resume when I close that document. So when I close the document, the next document to match the criterion will be opened. in pseudocode it might look something like:
For Each Document
if document Contains "Faithfully" then
replace "Faithfully" with "faithfully"
Let the user edit the document
when the document is closed, goto nextone
end if
it is the two bold lines that I cannot do. Is it possible to do this, and how? It is not a requirement that closing is the action which resumes the macro, if that is a difficulty. Any help much appreciated.
I have a macro which will open every file in a folder and will call another macro to perform the same action to each file:
Option Explicit
Dim scrFso As Object 'a FileSystemObject
Dim scrFolder As Object 'the folder object
Dim scrSubFolders As Object 'the subfolders collection
Dim scrFile As Object 'the file object
Dim scrFiles As Object 'the files object
Sub OpenAllFilesInFolder()
'strStartPath is a path to start the macro looking at
Dim strStartPath As String
'ask the user where to look
strStartPath = InputBox("Folder")
'stop the screen flickering
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'open the files in the start folder and do what you will with them (see below)
DoToAllFiles strStartPath
'search the subfolders for more files
SearchSubFolders strStartPath
'turn updating back on
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub SearchSubFolders(strStartPath As String)
'starts at path strStartPath and looks at its subfolders and files
'if there are files below it calls DoToAllFiles, which opens them one by one
'once its checked for files, it calls itself to check for subfolders.
If scrFso Is Nothing Then Set scrFso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'start looking in the place we said to look
Set scrFolder = scrFso.getfolder(strStartPath)
'tell it to be aware of sub folders
Set scrSubFolders = scrFolder.subfolders
For Each scrFolder In scrSubFolders
'tell it to be aware of any files in the sub folder
Set scrFiles = scrFolder.Files
'if there are files below, call openFiles to open them
If scrFiles.Count > 0 Then DoToAllFiles scrFolder.Path
'call ourselves in a moebus whatsit to see if there are subfolders below
SearchSubFolders scrFolder.Path
End Sub
Sub DoToAllFiles(strPath As String)
' runs through a folder oPath, opening each file in that folder,
' calling a macro, and then closing each file in that folder
Dim StrName As String
Dim WdDoc As Document
'closer as in the thing which closes, not the thing which is nearer
Dim closer As Integer
closer = 0
'if we are repeating this it may already be set, otherwise, set it
If scrFso Is Nothing Then Set scrFso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'set up the supfolders to be searched
Set scrFolder = scrFso.getfolder(strPath)
For Each scrFile In scrFolder.Files
StrName = scrFile.Name 'the name of this file
Application.StatusBar = strPath & "\" & StrName 'the status bar is just to let us know where we are
'open the filename only if it is a word document, because that is all GoTrex understands
If Right(StrName, 4) = ".doc" Then
'make sure that the file is editable
Set WdDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strPath & "\" & StrName, ReadOnly:=False, Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto)
'Call the macro that performs work on the file passing a reference to it
'choose from the options
'Replacement WdDoc
'datingagent WdDoc
'Reformat WdDoc
'FormsFromText WdDoc
'reallignment WdDoc
'FindDateFields WdDoc
'CorrectDefaultText WdDoc
'ReplaceDefault WdDoc
'Unprotect_Readonly_documents WdDoc
'CorrectSignOff WdDoc
'emailblue WdDoc
'reformat WdDoc
'Margins WdDoc
'RemoveSpacing WdDoc
AddFooter WdDoc
'print the document if you want to
'If MsgBox("You wanna print that?", vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, StrName) = vbYes Then
' WdDoc.PrintOut
' 'nothing
'End If
'close saving changes
WdDoc.Close wdSaveChanges
End If
'return control of status bar to Word
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
that's all fine, but I would like to be able to open each file in the folder, and if a certain criterion is met, pause the macro to allow me to manually edit the document and only resume when I close that document. So when I close the document, the next document to match the criterion will be opened. in pseudocode it might look something like:
For Each Document
if document Contains "Faithfully" then
replace "Faithfully" with "faithfully"
Let the user edit the document
when the document is closed, goto nextone
end if
it is the two bold lines that I cannot do. Is it possible to do this, and how? It is not a requirement that closing is the action which resumes the macro, if that is a difficulty. Any help much appreciated.