I would like to run pathping and tracert style commands, and grab specific parts of the date out, does anyone know how to obtain this type of info using a script?
Here's a piece of code that outputs a tracert command to a file and then reads the contents.
Dim oShell,txt1,fso,ln1,str1
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WSCript.shell"
oShell.run "cmd /C CD C:\ & TraceRT>C:\Temp\TraceRT.txt",0,true
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set txt1 = fspenTextFile("C:\Temp\TraceRT.txt",1)
Do While txt1.AtEndOfStream = False
ln1 = txt1.Readline
str1 = Mid(ln1,9,1)
If str1 = "*" Then
MsgBox "IP Address is not valid!",64,"TraceRoute"
Exit Do
End If
Yeah you could also ues ping 192.xxx.xxx.xxx > filename.txt to write it to a file, but I was only after specific information so I can write them to a log file
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