a silly question but I use a nix/apache server to host a webs site and need to setuip .htaccess.
I've done this via my CP and alls well.
I need to add some users via ssh.
I'm trying two programs
putty which with the settings I have drops me straight into the "dos windoW" and an ls command etc takes me straight to the directory with the .htpassword file in but I seem unable to edit the file .
I then tried data freeway which promised a windows GUI but when it connects I see directories such as boot,bin,syus,root,sbin,proc,misc etc I see no HTdocs
can someone tell me where I'm going wrong?
a silly question but I use a nix/apache server to host a webs site and need to setuip .htaccess.
I've done this via my CP and alls well.
I need to add some users via ssh.
I'm trying two programs
putty which with the settings I have drops me straight into the "dos windoW" and an ls command etc takes me straight to the directory with the .htpassword file in but I seem unable to edit the file .
I then tried data freeway which promised a windows GUI but when it connects I see directories such as boot,bin,syus,root,sbin,proc,misc etc I see no HTdocs
can someone tell me where I'm going wrong?