This is a question about the expression of path...
We know that the function "system(char *s)" is used to run the Operating System command. In many times, we have to specify the particular path for the file as the argument when run specific command (or called program).
We know that path (that has space in middle) provided in DOS prompt has to be surround by 2 double quotes. I have no this problem when provide such path in DOS prompt. But when I want to give this:
"c:\program files\bcc55\bin\bcc32.exe" "C:\My Documents\Implementation\Practices\test.c"
command (which has no problem in DOS prompt) in my program like this:
system("\"c:\\program files\\bcc35\\bin\\bcc32.exe\" \"C:\\My Documents\\Implementation\\Practices\\test.c\""
This problem prevents me from run specific executable program within my program...
We know that the function "system(char *s)" is used to run the Operating System command. In many times, we have to specify the particular path for the file as the argument when run specific command (or called program).
We know that path (that has space in middle) provided in DOS prompt has to be surround by 2 double quotes. I have no this problem when provide such path in DOS prompt. But when I want to give this:
"c:\program files\bcc55\bin\bcc32.exe" "C:\My Documents\Implementation\Practices\test.c"
command (which has no problem in DOS prompt) in my program like this:
system("\"c:\\program files\\bcc35\\bin\\bcc32.exe\" \"C:\\My Documents\\Implementation\\Practices\\test.c\""
This problem prevents me from run specific executable program within my program...