I am trying to develop a script for Paradox for which two parallel columns of text need to be next to each other. Since there are a couple of hundred items to place and I have the text in perfectly matched columns, I am hoping against hope that there's a way to do it in Word or any other program. Notepad++ has helped on some instances, but not here.
Column 1 would be
and column two
= fldNAME'value
= fldLOCATION'value
= fldTITLE'value
= fldPARTNER'value
desired outcome
StNAME = fldNAME'value
stTITLE = fldTITLE'value
stPARTNER = fldPARTNER'value
spaces of no consequence, btw, but they must be in columns
I had thought that I could sneak it through by converting a table to text but it places the columns after rather than next to each other.
This needs to go into an ascii or text file, btw, so actual columns (which merely appear parallel) or visual columns are not an option.
Push come to shove, I can shorten the process using Clipmate sequential paste option, but I am wondering if there's a trick I haven't figured out yet.
Column 1 would be
and column two
= fldNAME'value
= fldLOCATION'value
= fldTITLE'value
= fldPARTNER'value
desired outcome
StNAME = fldNAME'value
stTITLE = fldTITLE'value
stPARTNER = fldPARTNER'value
spaces of no consequence, btw, but they must be in columns
I had thought that I could sneak it through by converting a table to text but it places the columns after rather than next to each other.
This needs to go into an ascii or text file, btw, so actual columns (which merely appear parallel) or visual columns are not an option.
Push come to shove, I can shorten the process using Clipmate sequential paste option, but I am wondering if there's a trick I haven't figured out yet.