I have had problems since MS version 2000 when pasting into Visio. Situation is this: When pasting into Visio I get an out of memory error and if I open a drawing that has an item pasted into it, the shape shows up as a box with an X through it. Double clicking the shape causes an out of mempry error also. The only workaround I have found for this is to remove MS Word. Now uninstalling and reinstalling Word or Visio does not correct the situation. The only way to correct this is to reinstall the OS, but something triggers this later in time. There are no DOCs on MS knowledgebase relating to this. I have been using Visio for the last 2 years, since v5.0, and do not believe this to be operator error. I have seen this with only 2 configurations (2000 Technical and Word 2000, and now with 2002 Professional and Word 2002).