I am trying to update a macro which used copy and pasteappend from a previous versions. After data was entered into a form this macro captured that single item and updated a new table. Access 2007 does not recognize these commands, here is an example of macro:
RunCommand SelectRecord
RunCommand Copy**
OpenTable TableName
RunCommand PasteAppend**
***note read by access 2007
I think creating an append query would solve my problem with an OpenQuery macro. When I used this, I created thousands of records instead of one, and I can understand what I did wrong.
OpenQuery queryname of appendquery
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RunCommand SelectRecord
RunCommand Copy**
OpenTable TableName
RunCommand PasteAppend**
***note read by access 2007
I think creating an append query would solve my problem with an OpenQuery macro. When I used this, I created thousands of records instead of one, and I can understand what I did wrong.
OpenQuery queryname of appendquery
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