I have a URL that when first called, runs a cgi script. The cgi script reads in and processes data from 3 separate text files, builds 3 html tables and displays them back to the browser on 1 page. This works with no problem.
The problem is I only want to allow certain users permission to edit the contents of any one table - thus I provide a checkbox and/or submit button (haven't work those details out exactly yet) that prompts a user for password before proceeding. If I client-side check the password against some hidden input tag, type=hidden via javascript, I'm only providing a low security solution. Better yet, I would like to send the password to a cgi script and check on the server-side.
Therefore, I need to either password-protect access to the text files or set-up a method within my cgi script. I've also looked into apache's .htaccess & .htpasswd, but they seem to only deal with protecting access to a directory, not a particular file!
Is there a better solution????
I know this might not be the "right" forum for this, but it's my initial attempt ...thanks!!
The problem is I only want to allow certain users permission to edit the contents of any one table - thus I provide a checkbox and/or submit button (haven't work those details out exactly yet) that prompts a user for password before proceeding. If I client-side check the password against some hidden input tag, type=hidden via javascript, I'm only providing a low security solution. Better yet, I would like to send the password to a cgi script and check on the server-side.
Therefore, I need to either password-protect access to the text files or set-up a method within my cgi script. I've also looked into apache's .htaccess & .htpasswd, but they seem to only deal with protecting access to a directory, not a particular file!
Is there a better solution????
I know this might not be the "right" forum for this, but it's my initial attempt ...thanks!!