Hi guys. I have edited below vbscript from Microsoft MDT to include a password complexity check function. However, it seems to be ignoring the part where it checks the password for alphabets and special characters. Can anyone tell me where I've gone wrong? Thanks!
' // ***************************************************************************
' //
' // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' //
' // Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Solution Accelerator
' //
' // File: DeployWiz_Validation.vbs
' //
' // Version: 6.3.8456.1000
' //
' // Purpose: Main Client Deployment Wizard Validation routines
' //
' // ***************************************************************************
Option Explicit
' Validate Password
Dim Upper,Lower,Number,Special,UpperFound,LowerFound,NumberFound,SpecialFound,PasswordBad
Lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Number = "0123456789"
Special = "~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;""'<>,.?/"
UpperFound = "NO"
LowerFound = "NO"
NumberFound = "NO"
SpecialFound = "NO"
Function ValidatePassword
ValidatePassword = ParseAllWarningLabels
NonMatchPassword.style.display = "none"
If Password1.Value <> "" then
If Password1.Value <> Password2.Value then
ValidatePassword = FALSE
NonMatchPassword.style.display = "inline"
End if
End if
If len(Password1.Value) < 12 then
ValidatePassword = FALSE
End if
Dim i,char
for i = 1 to len(Password1.value)
char = mid(Password1.value,i,1)
if instr(Upper, char) then
UpperFound = "YES"
elseif instr(Lower, char) then
LowerFound = "YES"
elseif instr(Number, char) then
NumberFound = "YES"
elseif instr(Special, char) then
SpecialFound = "YES"
end if
NonComplexPassword.style.display ="none"
If UpperFound = "NO" then
ValidatePassword = FALSE
NonComplexPassword.style.display ="inline"
ElseIf LowerFound = "NO" then
ValidatePassword = FALSE
NonComplexPassword.style.display ="inline"
ElseIf NumberFound = "NO" then
ValidatePassword = FALSE
NonComplexPassword.style.display ="inline"
ElseIf SpecialFound = "NO" then
ValidatePassword = FALSE
NonComplexPassword.style.display ="inline"
end if
ButtonNext.Disabled = not ValidatePassword
End Function