Ok, I'm having some trouble here. I have an html page called donations that has a form on it. The form action is pointing to donations.php. Inside my donations.php I have header("Location: This is the code on paypal.html
My php code is like this:
I need to be able to take the information the user inputs into the Amount section and insert it into the - <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="need number inserted here">
Does anyone know how to do that?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">[/URL]
<html xmlns="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">[/URL]
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function submitForm() {
<body onLoad="javascript:submitForm()">
You are being redirected to PayPal.
<form name="myForm" method="post" action="[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr">[/URL]
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="site@email.com">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Contribution">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.site.com/thanks.php">[/URL]
<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.site.com/contribute/">[/URL]
<input type="hidden" name="cn" value="Employer/Occupation (required)">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
<input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US">
<input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF">
My php code is like this:
// Receiving variables
$item_name = addslashes($_POST['item_name']);
$quantity = addslashes($_POST['quantity']);
$amount = addslashes($_POST['amount']);
$firstname = addslashes($_POST['firstname']);
$lastname = addslashes($_POST['lastname']);
$address1 = addslashes($_POST['address1']);
$address2 = addslashes($_POST['address2']);
$city = addslashes($_POST['city']);
$state = addslashes($_POST['state']);
$zip = addslashes($_POST['zip']);
$company = addslashes($_POST['company']);
$occupation = addslashes($_POST['occupation']);
$email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
$phone1 = addslashes($_POST['phone1']);
$phone2 = addslashes($_POST['phone2']);
$phone3 = addslashes($_POST['phone3']);
$phonetype = addslashes($_POST['phonetype']);
// Validation
if ( $amount < 0)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid amount</font></p>");
if ( $amount > 500)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid amount</font></p>");
if (strlen($amount) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid amount</font></p>");
if (strlen($firstname) <1)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid firstname</font></p>");
if (strlen($firstname) >20)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid firstname</font></p>");
if (strlen($firstname) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid firstname</font></p>");
if (strlen($lastname) <1)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid lastname</font></p>");
if (strlen($lastname) >20)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid lastname</font></p>");
if (strlen($lastname) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid lastname</font></p>");
if (strlen($address1) <1)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid address1</font></p>");
if (strlen($address1) >100)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid address1</font></p>");
if (strlen($address1) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid address1</font></p>");
if (strlen($city) <1)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid city</font></p>");
if (strlen($city) >30)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid city</font></p>");
if (strlen($city) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid city</font></p>");
if (strlen($zip) <5)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid zip</font></p>");
if (strlen($zip) >10)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid zip</font></p>");
if (strlen($zip) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid zip</font></p>");
if (strlen($occupation) <1)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid occupation</font></p>");
if (strlen($occupation) >20)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid occupation</font></p>");
if (strlen($occupation) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid occupation</font></p>");
if (strlen($email) <1)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid email</font></p>");
if (strlen($email) >100)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid email</font></p>");
if (strlen($email) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid email</font></p>");
if (strlen($phone1) <10)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid phone1</font></p>");
if (strlen($phone1) >13)
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid phone1</font></p>");
if (strlen($phone1) == 0 )
die("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>Please enter a valid phone1</font></p>");
//Sending Email to form owner
$pfw_header = "From: $email\r\n";
$pfw_subject = "Donation Form";
$pfw_email_to = "youremail@email.com";
$pfw_message = "item_name: $item_name\r\n"
. "quantity: $quantity\r\n"
. "amount: $amount\r\n"
. "firstname: $firstname\r\n"
. "lastname: $lastname\r\n"
. "address1: $address1\r\n"
. "address2: $address2\r\n"
. "city: $city\r\n"
. "state: $state\r\n"
. "zip: $zip\r\n"
. "company: $company\r\n"
. "occupation: $occupation\r\n"
. "email: $email\r\n"
. "phone1: $phone1\r\n"
. "phone2: $phone2\r\n"
. "phone3: $phone3\r\n"
. "phonetype: $phonetype\r\n";
mail($pfw_email_to, $pfw_subject ,$pfw_message ,$pfw_header );
header("Location: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.site.com/paypal.html");[/URL]
I need to be able to take the information the user inputs into the Amount section and insert it into the - <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="need number inserted here">
Does anyone know how to do that?