I am having difficulty to get the variabes to pass from one form to a frame. I have the following on a asp page:
response.write "<TD ALIGN=CENTER width=""10%"">
<A HREF=""testframe.htm?Lname=" & _ objRec("lastname" & "&Fname=" & _
objRec("Firstname" & "&RegNo=" & _ objRec("ID" & """>" & _
objRec("ID" & "</A> </TD>"
On testfrmae.htm I have the following ;
<frameset name="frametest" rows="115,*">
<frame name="top" scrolling="yes" noresize target="" src="frame1.asp">
<frame name="bottom" scrolling="yes" noresize target="_self" src="frame2.asp">
On frame1.asp I use Request.QueryString to try to get the values, but I get nothing. I use the same Request.Query String on frame2 and get nothing as well.
Does anyone know how I can get the values for both frame. Please help. Thanks in advance.
response.write "<TD ALIGN=CENTER width=""10%"">
<A HREF=""testframe.htm?Lname=" & _ objRec("lastname" & "&Fname=" & _
objRec("Firstname" & "&RegNo=" & _ objRec("ID" & """>" & _
objRec("ID" & "</A> </TD>"
On testfrmae.htm I have the following ;
<frameset name="frametest" rows="115,*">
<frame name="top" scrolling="yes" noresize target="" src="frame1.asp">
<frame name="bottom" scrolling="yes" noresize target="_self" src="frame2.asp">
On frame1.asp I use Request.QueryString to try to get the values, but I get nothing. I use the same Request.Query String on frame2 and get nothing as well.
Does anyone know how I can get the values for both frame. Please help. Thanks in advance.