In my ASP I have the following sub (line numbers have been added here). The problem is on line 4 where I need to populate the "txtCOST" textbox with the value in another textbox. The name of the 2nd box has been passed to the procedure as "var1".
How do I pass the value of the variably named textboxs to the fixed textbox?
1 Sub MyUpdate (var1)
2 frmDATA.txtOPEXTYPE.value = Mid(var1,6,Len(var1)-5)
3 frmDATA.txtMONTH_ID.value = Mid(var1,2,3)
4 frmDATA.txtCOST.value = ???
5 frmDATA.txtSTATE.value = "update"
6 End Sub
How do I pass the value of the variably named textboxs to the fixed textbox?
1 Sub MyUpdate (var1)
2 frmDATA.txtOPEXTYPE.value = Mid(var1,6,Len(var1)-5)
3 frmDATA.txtMONTH_ID.value = Mid(var1,2,3)
4 frmDATA.txtCOST.value = ???
5 frmDATA.txtSTATE.value = "update"
6 End Sub