I have an ASP page that looks up data from an Access database and displays it on screen.
I wish to be able to offer the user the option to save this data as an Excel spreadsheet.
I have set up the Export to Excel using OWC11, but I am having trouble transfering some variables from the original ASP page into the OWC11 spreadshhet object / ASP page that makes the XML data to export as an XLS.
I have four variables that need to be transfered. A customer number, a start date, an end date and a save as name.
Does anyone now how to send variable data to an OWC object.
I need to 'post' the data to this address through this object.
Any assistance you can offer would be most welcomed thanks.
ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager
ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager
I have an ASP page that looks up data from an Access database and displays it on screen.
I wish to be able to offer the user the option to save this data as an Excel spreadsheet.
I have set up the Export to Excel using OWC11, but I am having trouble transfering some variables from the original ASP page into the OWC11 spreadshhet object / ASP page that makes the XML data to export as an XLS.
I have four variables that need to be transfered. A customer number, a start date, an end date and a save as name.
Does anyone now how to send variable data to an OWC object.
<object classid="clsid:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="Spreadsheet1">
<param name="XMLURL" value="groupstatsexport.asp">
I need to 'post' the data to this address through this object.
Any assistance you can offer would be most welcomed thanks.
ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager
ICT Network Administrator
IT Services Manager