I've created a COM object in Visual FoxPro for use with PHP.
I've verified it functions properly except for one
important issue: it doesn't change variable contents
passed by reference to methods in the COM object.
I've instanced the object in both C++ and VB to insure it
works as designed, and it does; just not when called from
BTW/ I'm running PHP 5.0.4 under Windows with IIS5
as the webserver.
Example(s) of the code:
Sample in php
$myvariable = 1;
$oVfp = new COM("php2vfp.php2vfp");
echo $myvariable."<br>";
$oVfp->PassArray(& $myvariable);
echo $myvariable."<br>";
// $myvariable should be 2 at this point, but it's not!
Sample in VB:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set o = CreateObject("php2vfp.php2vfp")
Dim i As Integer
i = 43
o.PassArray i
Debug.Print i ' i is 2 at this point!
End Sub
Any pointers would be appreciated.