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Passing value of textbox created dynamically, into an array

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Oct 25, 2002
Hi... I got 2 asp pages... I page is where I created a form dynamically using...


dataConn= "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("cd2buy.mdb")
cn.open dataConn

Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT * FROM CART where Customer_User_Name='" & Session("username") & "'" )

if rs.EOF = True and rs.BOF = True then 'no cart record available, cart is empty
Response.Write ("<br><br><br><br><p align=" & chr(34) & "center" & chr(34) & ">Your Cart is Empty" & "</p>")
Else ' cart not empty, cart record available
totalprice = 0

Response.Write("<br><br><br><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=4><p align=" & chr(34) & "center" & chr(34) & "><strong>" & Session("username") & "'s Shopping Cart</strong></p></font><br>")
Response.Write("<table width=" & chr(34) & "550" & chr(34) & " border=" & chr(34) & "0" & chr(34) & " align=" & chr(34) & "center" & chr(34) & "> <tr><td bgcolor=" & chr(34) & "#cccccc" & chr(34) & "><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2><strong>CD ID</strong></font></td> <td bgcolor=" & chr(34) & "#cccccc" & chr(34) & "><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2><strong>Title</strong></font></td><td bgcolor=" & chr(34) & "#cccccc" & chr(34) & "><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2><strong>Quantity</strong></font></td><td bgcolor=" & chr(34) & "#cccccc" & chr(34) &"><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2><strong>Price</strong></font></td><td><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2><strong>Remove cd?</strong></font></td></tr>")

Set Session("theDictionary") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

Response.Write ("<form name=" & chr(34) & "viewcart" & chr(34) & " method=" & chr(34) & "post" & chr(34) &" action=" & chr(34) & "dictionary2.asp" & chr(34) & ">")

while NOT rs.EOF
totalprice = totalprice + (rs("Price") * rs("Quantity") )
totalquantity = totalquantity + rs("Quantity")
'search cd title, artist
Set rs2 = cn.Execute("SELECT CD.Title, CD.Artist FROM CD where CD_ID=" & rs("CD_ID") )
'display each record of cd id, artist - title, quantity, price, remove cd check box
Response.Write("<tr><td><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2>" & rs("CD_ID") & "</td><td><font face=" & chr(34) & "arial" & chr(34) & " size=2>" & rs2("Artist") & " - " & rs2("Title") & "</td><td> <input maxlength=" & chr(34) &"3" & chr(34) & " size=" & chr(34) & "3" & chr(34) & " type=" &chr(34) & "text" & chr(34) & " name =" & chr(34) & "pquantity" & chr(34) & " value=" & chr(34) & rs("Quantity") & chr(34) &">" & "</td><td>RM" & FormatNumber(rs("Price"),2) & "</td><td> <input type="& chr(34) & "checkbox" & chr(34) & " name=" & chr(34) & "pdelete" & rs("CD_ID") & chr(34) &" value=" & chr(34) & "pdelete" & rs("CD_ID") & chr(34) & "></td></tr></font>")

Session("theDictionary").Add i, document.CStr(rs("Quantity")) 'CStr(Request.Form("pquantity"))

that created an array of textboxes.....

and on another page, I would like retrieve the value entered by user(or changed by user) from each of the textboxes at the form created on the previous page - into a variable of array... How would I do it...? If possilbe, how would I insert them into a Session dictionary, or a dictionary.....

Hope you guyz can help...

Thank you very much....

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