I have not found a specific answer to this question:
can you pass a value from a subreport to main report and use the passed value in group or record selection? is this what is meant by 'parameter' or is it strictly "?parameters" they cannont be used in?
Yes, you can use parameters in the sub record or group selection formulas. You can't use shared variables though in these areas. If you link a sub based on a field in the main report, it will appear as a parameter like this in the record selection formula:
But you can also link parameters created in both main and subreports to each other, and then use them in selection formulas.
In the edit subreport links screen, choose the parameter at the top and then in the lower left, use the dropdown to select {?Parameter} instead of the default {?pm-?Parameter}. This means there will only be one prompt, but you still need to add and use the parameter to the selection formula in the subreport.
I am not sure if this will accomplish what I am trying to but am curious. My only choices under "subreport parameter to use" are blank, "Parameter Fields," and "?Pm.." So I am not sure what you are referring to?
I am trying to say, in the main report record selection, "if 'subreport field' (which is where i was trying to place a shared variable) = x then 'main report field' else ""
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