Hi all
How do I access and pass information down to an imported swf file. The imported swf file contains an embedded movie object which needs information from an xml file for it to load the images and settings, but how do I pass this down.
The route to the object is:
_root > object_instance > imported swf file > embedded movie_instance > variable.
I was thinking on the lines of:
_root.object_instance.imported_swf.swf.movie_instance.variable_name = value..
but this aint doing it.
I am not sure if this is the way to do it or even if it can be done.
I can run the imported swf stand alone with no problems so the XML import is ok as is everything else. It's just a matter of getting the information down to the right place.
Any help is appreciated.
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How do I access and pass information down to an imported swf file. The imported swf file contains an embedded movie object which needs information from an xml file for it to load the images and settings, but how do I pass this down.
The route to the object is:
_root > object_instance > imported swf file > embedded movie_instance > variable.
I was thinking on the lines of:
_root.object_instance.imported_swf.swf.movie_instance.variable_name = value..
but this aint doing it.
I am not sure if this is the way to do it or even if it can be done.
I can run the imported swf stand alone with no problems so the XML import is ok as is everything else. It's just a matter of getting the information down to the right place.
Any help is appreciated.
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