I'm having a helluva time getting session variables to pass through hyperlinks in a Fusebox application I'm writing.
The circuit in question ("staffstuff") is a password-protected circuit. Any fuseaction in it needs to be protected, and I'm doing this by using the following code at the bottom of the staffstuff directory's fbx_Settings.php:
The if() statement basically says: if there's no loggedinuser session variable, and the user isn't directly involved in fuses that either logging in or logging out, the user needs to be see to the login page.
The file which processes the login, act_login.php, looks like this:
When I log in using act_login.php (that's staffstuff.dologin to you fusebox talkers), the dsp_main.php page displays the contents of the $_SESSION array just fine. It's when I hyperlink from that page to any other page that the wheels come off the wagon. Subsequent pages fail to display the $_SESSION['loggedinuser'] variable, regardless of how I link to them. I've tried this:
And while page2 will echo the PHPSESSID, it fails to find any of the $_SESSION variables - I've tried print_r($_SESSION) on page2, and the array is blank.
Am I misunderstanding the point of passing a session id in the first place? I understood it as a URL marker for the server's reference to a stored array. Thanks in advance for any insight you might provide.
I'm having a helluva time getting session variables to pass through hyperlinks in a Fusebox application I'm writing.
The circuit in question ("staffstuff") is a password-protected circuit. Any fuseaction in it needs to be protected, and I'm doing this by using the following code at the bottom of the staffstuff directory's fbx_Settings.php:
if (!$_SESSION['loggedinuser'] && $Fusebox['circuit'] == "staffstuff" && $Fusebox['fuseaction'] != "login" && $Fusebox['fuseaction'] != "dologin" && $Fusebox['fuseaction'] != "logout") {
The if() statement basically says: if there's no loggedinuser session variable, and the user isn't directly involved in fuses that either logging in or logging out, the user needs to be see to the login page.
The file which processes the login, act_login.php, looks like this:
if (mysql_num_rows($loginResult) > 0) {
$_SESSION['loggedinuser'] = $loginrow['primary_key'];
$_SESSION['session_user'] = trim($loginrow['user']);
print_r ($_SESSION);
} else {
echo "no dice, honkylips.";
When I log in using act_login.php (that's staffstuff.dologin to you fusebox talkers), the dsp_main.php page displays the contents of the $_SESSION array just fine. It's when I hyperlink from that page to any other page that the wheels come off the wagon. Subsequent pages fail to display the $_SESSION['loggedinuser'] variable, regardless of how I link to them. I've tried this:
echo "<a href=\"index.php?fuseaction=staffstuff.page2&PHPSESSID=".$PHPSESSID."\">page2</a>
And while page2 will echo the PHPSESSID, it fails to find any of the $_SESSION variables - I've tried print_r($_SESSION) on page2, and the array is blank.
Am I misunderstanding the point of passing a session id in the first place? I understood it as a URL marker for the server's reference to a stored array. Thanks in advance for any insight you might provide.