Hey guys,<br><br>I've been using .js sheets for my web pages and they work great...until I try to pass some parameters in them. For instance, I wanted to put a function to open a new window, that I can re-use in my pages. In my .js sheet, I had a function that ressembles the following:<br><br><br>function new_window(address) <br>{ <br> winvar = window.open(address, "New page", scrollbars=1, status=1, menubar=0, resizable=1, location=0, toolbar=0"<br><br>}<br><br>And in my html I had:<br><br><a href="javascript: new_window('a.html');">Open</a><br><br>Could you help me find out what I'm doing wrong? And can we pass certain parameters with these .js files like we would do in javascript? <br><br>Thank you so much <br><br>daph<br>