I'm employed at a homeless shelter and have developed a VB .NET database application with several Crystal Reports. I'm having some difficulty with the following Visual Basic .NET code and Stored Procedure used to determine the income type of the homeless men. The VB code and Stored Procedure follows:
Private Sub btnCreateReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreateReport.Click
Dim intIncomeTypeID As Integer ' Income Type ID
Dim intIndex As Integer ' For loop index
Dim prmBeginDate As ParameterDiscreteValue ' Parameter value object
Dim prmEndDate As ParameterDiscreteValue ' Parameter value object
Dim prmIncomeTypeID As ParameterDiscreteValue ' Parameter value object
Dim prmParameter As ParameterField ' Parameter object
Dim prmParameterList As ParameterFields ' Parameter collection object
' Validate the input fields.
If (Validate_Data()) Then
' Create the objects.
prmBeginDate = New ParameterDiscreteValue
prmEndDate = New ParameterDiscreteValue
prmIncomeTypeID = New ParameterDiscreteValue
prmParameter = New ParameterField
prmParameterList = New ParameterFields
' Clear the previous report source.
CRViewer.ReportSource = Nothing
' Load the Begin and End Date range.
prmBeginDate.Value = txtBeginDate.Text
prmEndDate.Value = txtEndDate.Text
' Get the Income Type ID for the Income Type selected.
intIncomeTypeID = 0
With dsDataSet.Tables("tblIncomeType")
For intIndex = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1
If (.Rows(intIndex).Item("IncomeType") = cmbIncomeType.Text) Then
intIncomeTypeID = .Rows(intIndex).Item("IncomeTypeID")
End If
End With
' Load the Income Type ID.
prmIncomeTypeID.Value = intIncomeTypeID
' Add the parameter object to the collection.
prmParameter.ParameterFieldName = "@Original_BeginDate"
prmParameter.ParameterFieldName = "@Original_EndDate"
prmParameter.ParameterFieldName = "@Original_IncomeTypeID"
' Assign the parameter collection to the report viewer.
CRViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = prmParameterList
' Load the report.
CRViewer.ReportSource = Application.StartupPath & "\..\frmReportMenWithIncomeCR.rpt"
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("The Men With Income Report could not be created for the following reason: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
End Sub
The Stored Procedure used by the Crystal Reports follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE spMenWithIncomeReport
@Original_BeginDate char (10),
@Original_EndDate char (10),
@Original_IncomeTypeID int
SELECT G.GuestMID, G.LastName, G.FirstName, G.MiddleInitial, G.SSNumber, IT.IncomeType, I.AmountPerMonth, GS.GuestMStatus, MAX(A.AttendanceDate) As MostRecentAttendance
FROM tblGuestM G INNER JOIN tblAttendance A ON G.GuestMID = A.GuestMID
INNER JOIN tblGuestMStatus GS ON G.GuestMStatusID = GS.GuestMStatusID
INNER JOIN tblIncome I ON G.GuestMID = I.GuestMID
INNER JOIN tblIncomeType IT ON I.IncomeTypeID = IT.IncomeTypeID
WHERE A.AttendanceDate >= @Original_BeginDate
AND A.AttendanceDate <= @Original_EndDate
AND IT.IncomeTypeID = @Original_IncomeTypeID
AND G.GuestMStatusID=1
GROUP BY G.GuestMID, G.LastName, G.FirstName, G.MiddleInitial, G.SSNumber, IT.IncomeType, I.AmountPerMonth, GS.GuestMStatus
Issue #1 is that even though I pass three parameters to Crystal Reports, it prompts me for the first two parameters (@Original_BeginDate and @Original_EndDate). How do I get the Stored Procedure/Crystal Reports to recognize the three parameters passed from the Visual Basic code?
Issue #2 is that the data type of intIncomeTypeID is integer, but when loaded into prmIncomeTypeID.Value in the statement
prmIncomeTypeID.Value = intIncomeTypeID
its data type (placing the cursor over prmIncomeTypeID.Value in debug mode) is decimal. How can I ensure that prmIncomeTypeID.Value will store an integer?
Any ideas you can think of will be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Private Sub btnCreateReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCreateReport.Click
Dim intIncomeTypeID As Integer ' Income Type ID
Dim intIndex As Integer ' For loop index
Dim prmBeginDate As ParameterDiscreteValue ' Parameter value object
Dim prmEndDate As ParameterDiscreteValue ' Parameter value object
Dim prmIncomeTypeID As ParameterDiscreteValue ' Parameter value object
Dim prmParameter As ParameterField ' Parameter object
Dim prmParameterList As ParameterFields ' Parameter collection object
' Validate the input fields.
If (Validate_Data()) Then
' Create the objects.
prmBeginDate = New ParameterDiscreteValue
prmEndDate = New ParameterDiscreteValue
prmIncomeTypeID = New ParameterDiscreteValue
prmParameter = New ParameterField
prmParameterList = New ParameterFields
' Clear the previous report source.
CRViewer.ReportSource = Nothing
' Load the Begin and End Date range.
prmBeginDate.Value = txtBeginDate.Text
prmEndDate.Value = txtEndDate.Text
' Get the Income Type ID for the Income Type selected.
intIncomeTypeID = 0
With dsDataSet.Tables("tblIncomeType")
For intIndex = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1
If (.Rows(intIndex).Item("IncomeType") = cmbIncomeType.Text) Then
intIncomeTypeID = .Rows(intIndex).Item("IncomeTypeID")
End If
End With
' Load the Income Type ID.
prmIncomeTypeID.Value = intIncomeTypeID
' Add the parameter object to the collection.
prmParameter.ParameterFieldName = "@Original_BeginDate"
prmParameter.ParameterFieldName = "@Original_EndDate"
prmParameter.ParameterFieldName = "@Original_IncomeTypeID"
' Assign the parameter collection to the report viewer.
CRViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = prmParameterList
' Load the report.
CRViewer.ReportSource = Application.StartupPath & "\..\frmReportMenWithIncomeCR.rpt"
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("The Men With Income Report could not be created for the following reason: " & ex.Message)
End Try
End If
End Sub
The Stored Procedure used by the Crystal Reports follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE spMenWithIncomeReport
@Original_BeginDate char (10),
@Original_EndDate char (10),
@Original_IncomeTypeID int
SELECT G.GuestMID, G.LastName, G.FirstName, G.MiddleInitial, G.SSNumber, IT.IncomeType, I.AmountPerMonth, GS.GuestMStatus, MAX(A.AttendanceDate) As MostRecentAttendance
FROM tblGuestM G INNER JOIN tblAttendance A ON G.GuestMID = A.GuestMID
INNER JOIN tblGuestMStatus GS ON G.GuestMStatusID = GS.GuestMStatusID
INNER JOIN tblIncome I ON G.GuestMID = I.GuestMID
INNER JOIN tblIncomeType IT ON I.IncomeTypeID = IT.IncomeTypeID
WHERE A.AttendanceDate >= @Original_BeginDate
AND A.AttendanceDate <= @Original_EndDate
AND IT.IncomeTypeID = @Original_IncomeTypeID
AND G.GuestMStatusID=1
GROUP BY G.GuestMID, G.LastName, G.FirstName, G.MiddleInitial, G.SSNumber, IT.IncomeType, I.AmountPerMonth, GS.GuestMStatus
Issue #1 is that even though I pass three parameters to Crystal Reports, it prompts me for the first two parameters (@Original_BeginDate and @Original_EndDate). How do I get the Stored Procedure/Crystal Reports to recognize the three parameters passed from the Visual Basic code?
Issue #2 is that the data type of intIncomeTypeID is integer, but when loaded into prmIncomeTypeID.Value in the statement
prmIncomeTypeID.Value = intIncomeTypeID
its data type (placing the cursor over prmIncomeTypeID.Value in debug mode) is decimal. How can I ensure that prmIncomeTypeID.Value will store an integer?
Any ideas you can think of will be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.