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Passing Parameters as variables

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Apr 25, 1999
I have an ActiveX treeView Control,<br>
I need to pass a node parameter (the node.name)<br>
to a textbox<br>
any Ideas??? Code Follows, notice NewNode.Key is = to strTopicTitle ----- If I could somehow pass that value...<br>
********** CODE BELOW **************************<br>
&lt;% Response.Buffer = True %&gt;<br>
&lt;!--#include file="adovbs.inc"--&gt;<br>
&lt;META name=VI60_defaultClientScript content=VBScript&gt;<br>
&lt;title&gt;Shore Side Tracking&lt;/title&gt;<br>
&lt;Body BgColor="#FFFFFF" Link="#003366" Vlink="#006633" ALink="#000000" bgProperties=fixed&gt;<br>
&lt;!-- Top include --&gt;<br>
&lt;!--#include file="includes/top.inc"--&gt;<br>
&lt;!-- End Top SSI --&gt;<br>
&lt;Form name="treeForm" action="name.asp" method="post"&gt;<br>
&lt;table border="0" valign="top" width="100%"&gt;<br>
&lt;td valign="top"&gt;<br>
Dim objConn<br>
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")<br>
' Access Conection String for Development ####################################################<br>
objConn.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.mapPath("data/esd.mdb")<br>
'Oracle Connection String ####################################################################<br>
'objConn = "DRIVER={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};UID=esdtav;SERVER=oracle;User Id=esdtav;PASSWORD=esdtav;"<br>
strSQL = "SELECT * " & "From xxx ORDER BY Esd_ID" <br>
'strSQL = "SELECT Parent, Esd_Name, esdtav_ID FROM xxx Where Class &lt;&gt; '' " & "ORDER BY Class"<br>
Set oRS = objConn.Execute(strSQL, LngRecs, 1) ' Fetch a Recordset<br>
Quot = Chr(34) ' Double Quotes<br>
Crlf = Chr(10) ' Carriage return<br>
Dim sTxt<br>
Dim iDex<br>
' Setup the VbScript<br>
Response.Write "&lt;script language=" & Quot & "VbScript" & Quot & "&gt;" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "Sub window_onLoad()" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "Dim newNode, ssChild" & Crlf <br>
Response.Write "SSTree1.LabelEdit=0" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "SSTree1.LineStyle=1" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "ssChild = 4" & Crlf & Crlf<br>
' Setup The Root Dir, which we call "CG"<br>
Response.Write "Set newNode = SSTree1.Nodes.Add()" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Key =" & Quot & "CG" & Quot & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.TagVariant = " & Quot & "REPORT1.ASP?esdid=1&" & "esdname=cg" & Quot & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Text = " & Quot & "CG" & Quot & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Expanded = True" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newnode.font.size = 8" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Font.Bold = True" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.ForeColor = rgb(0,0,1)" & Crlf & Crlf <br>
'Declare Variables<br>
strCurrentClass = ""<br>
Do While Not oRS.EOF 'Loop until EOF<br>
strNewClass = oRS.Fields("ESDParent") 'Parent Nodes<br>
strTopicTitle = oRS.Fields("ESD_Name") 'Child Nodes<br>
strEsdID = oRS.Fields("Esd_ID") 'ID<br>
' Setup the control and populate it with data<br>
' Something buggy here<br>
Response.Write "Set newNode = SSTree1.Nodes.Add(" & Quot & strNewClass & Quot & ", ssChild," & Quot & strTopicTitle & Quot & ")" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Key =" & Quot & strTopicTitle & Quot & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.TagVariant = " & Quot & "REPORT1.ASP?esdid=" & strEsdID &"+" & strTopicTitle & Quot & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Text = " & Quot & strTopicTitle & Quot & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Expanded = True" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.LoadStyleChildren = 3" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newnode.font.size = 8" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.Font.Bold = True" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "newNode.ForeColor = rgb(0,0,1)" & Crlf & Crlf <br>
Loop ' Loop thru the Rs to pull out all the data<br>
' Put the finish on the VbScript<br>
Response.Write "End Sub" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "Sub SSTree1_NodeClick(ItemClicked)" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "If ItemClicked.Level &gt; 1 then" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "End If" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "End Sub" & Crlf & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "Sub button1_onclick()" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "IF SSTree1.SelectedItem.TagVariant &lt;&gt;" & Quot & Quot & "THEN" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "window.parent.frames(" & Quot & "reports" & Quot & ").location.href = SSTree1.SelectedItem.TagVariant" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "End IF" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "End Sub" & Crlf<br>
Response.Write "&lt;/SCRIPT&gt;" & Crlf<br>
&lt;!-- Active Tree View --&gt;<br>
&lt;p align="left"&gt; &lt;OBJECT classid="clsid:1C203F13-95AD-11D0-A84B-00A0247B735B" height=800 id=SSTree1 <br>
style="HEIGHT: 800px; LEFT: 0px; TOP: 0px; WIDTH: 260px" width=260 name="treeview" border="2"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="10663"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="7699"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65538"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="BackColor" VALUE="#CCC3FF"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ForeColor" VALUE="#FFFFFF"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ImagesMaskColor" VALUE="12632256"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="PictureBackgroundMaskColor" VALUE="12632256"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Appearance" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="BorderStyle" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="LabelEdit" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="LineStyle" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="LineType" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="MousePointer" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="NodeSelectionStyle" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="PictureAlignment" VALUE="Left"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ScrollStyle" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Style" VALUE="7"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="IndentationStyle" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="TreeTips" VALUE="3"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="PictureBackgroundStyle" VALUE="5"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Indentation" VALUE="12"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="MaxLines" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="TreeTipDelay" VALUE="900"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ImageCount" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ImageListIndex" VALUE="-1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="OLEDragMode" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="OLEDropMode" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="AllowDelete" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="AutoSearch" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Enabled" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="HideSelection" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ImagesUseMask" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Redraw" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="UseImageList" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="PictureBackgroundUseMask" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="HasFont" VALUE="4"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Font" VALUE="arial, 8"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="HasMouseIcon" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="HasPictureBackground" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="PathSeparator" VALUE="\"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="TabStops" VALUE="6"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="ImageList" VALUE="images/book.gif"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="LoadStyleRoot" VALUE="0"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="Sorted" VALUE="1"&gt;<br>
&lt;PARAM NAME="OnDemandDiscardBuffer" VALUE="500"&gt;&lt;/OBJECT&gt;<br>
&lt;td valign="top" align="right"&gt;<br>
&lt;IFRAME align="right" Name="reports" FrameBorder="0" resizable="yes" Scrolling="auto" marginheight="2" marginwidth="2" width="500" height="800" src="/ax/report1.asp"&gt;<br>
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Part and Inventory Search

