I've been trying to pass a parameter from a JSP to a tag handler class.
I figured, the code in JSP to do this should be:
Problem 1:
When I run this JSP, an error message comes up saying:
Undefined variable or class name: request
Did I forget or should I include something?
Problem 2:
How can the tag handler class recognize this tradeMark variable?
FYI, I use Tomcat 3.3 and already put servlet.jar in my CLASSPATH.
Thanks for any hint!
I figured, the code in JSP to do this should be:
String inputTM = request.getParameter("tradeMark");
<p><learn:jspTM tradeMark="<%= inputTM %>" /> </p>
Problem 1:
When I run this JSP, an error message comes up saying:
Undefined variable or class name: request
Did I forget or should I include something?
Problem 2:
How can the tag handler class recognize this tradeMark variable?
FYI, I use Tomcat 3.3 and already put servlet.jar in my CLASSPATH.
Thanks for any hint!