Hi,<br><br>I've created a SP on SQL server which requires 2 parameters.<br><br>Here is part of the code in ASP<br> <br> objComm.CommandText = "select_test"<br> objComm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc<br><br> Set objParam = _ <br> objComm.CreateParameter("@Parameter1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50)<br><br> Set objParam2 = objComm.CreateParameter("@Parameter2",adVarChar,adParamInput,50) <br> <br> objComm.Parameters.Append objParam<br> objComm.Parameters.Append objParam2<br><br> str1 = "Test" <br> str2 = "Test 2"<br> <br> objComm.Parameters("@Parameter1" = str1 <br> objComm.Parameters("@Parameter2" = str2<br> <br> Set objRS = objComm.Execute <br><br>And everything works fine.<br><br>My questions : Is there another more efficient way of doing this? It's fine if i am passing 2 parameters, but let's say if i am passing 10 parameters? <br><br>I am new to ASP and any help is much appreciated. <br><br>Thank You.<br><br>Yue Jeen