Hi everyone i'm passing a parameter to a SQL Server Database (6.5) but the problem is that the value that has to be passed needs to be in this format '2000/01/01'. Check out the code below, it returns an error, it will pass 2000/01/01 with ease but not in the format I require.<br><br>ParDate = "'" & "2000/01/22" & "'"<br><br>With Comm<br> .CommandText = "sp_run_invoices"<br> .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc<br> .ActiveConnection = Conn<br> .Parameters.Refresh<br> .Parameters("@pub_date".Value = ParDate<br> .Parameters("@pub_date".Direction = adParamInput<br> .Execute<br>End With<br><br>Any solutions.<br>