I am trying to pass some name value pairs from one page to the next but am unable to figure out how.
eg. Page 1 has NV pair of Name=Johnie in the form of
<a href="hello.html?Name=Johnie">Hello</a>
How do I get the NV pair to display in the hello.html page
eg hello.html
<b>Hello <--# echo="Name"-->
The result I would look for is
Hello Johnie
displayed on the hello.html page when it is loaded after clicking the href on the originating page.
Thankyou for assisting me in this matter.
I am trying to pass some name value pairs from one page to the next but am unable to figure out how.
eg. Page 1 has NV pair of Name=Johnie in the form of
<a href="hello.html?Name=Johnie">Hello</a>
How do I get the NV pair to display in the hello.html page
eg hello.html
<b>Hello <--# echo="Name"-->
The result I would look for is
Hello Johnie
displayed on the hello.html page when it is loaded after clicking the href on the originating page.
Thankyou for assisting me in this matter.