I'm working on a C program that uses MYSQL to access and modify a database. Right now, I am trying to run a SELECT query on the database, and to populate a list with the results.
The thing is, in all the examples I can find, the MYSQL_RES structure is processed locally. I on the other hand, want an outside function to call my run_query() function, and then process the result set itself.
The problem I get is that the MYSQL_RES I receive from my query function is not good. Even when I debug, I can see that I have a correct result set, up until I exit my query function and return to my list function.
Anyone have an example of how to correctly pass a MYSQL_RES structure from one function to another?
Heres my code:
in connect.c
in list.c
The thing is, in all the examples I can find, the MYSQL_RES structure is processed locally. I on the other hand, want an outside function to call my run_query() function, and then process the result set itself.
The problem I get is that the MYSQL_RES I receive from my query function is not good. Even when I debug, I can see that I have a correct result set, up until I exit my query function and return to my list function.
Anyone have an example of how to correctly pass a MYSQL_RES structure from one function to another?
Heres my code:
in connect.c
/* Run a query */
int run_query(char *query, MYSQL_RES *res_set) {
if (open_connection() != 1) {
/* could not connect to MySQL */
print_error(&connection, "Unable to connect to MySQL");
return 0;
} else {
if (mysql_query(&connection, query) != 0) {
/* Query has failed */
print_error(&connection, "Query FAILED!\n");
return 0;
} else {
/* Query has passed, process results */
res_set = mysql_store_result(&connection);
if (res_set) {
/* If a result set was returned */
} else {
/* No result was returned */
if (mysql_field_count(&connection) == 0) {
printf("%lu rows affected\n", (unsigned long) mysql_affected_rows(&connection));
} else { /* an error occured */
print_error(&connection, "Could not retrieve the result set");
return 1;
in list.c
ListTGs( )
MYSQL_RES *res_set;
char *query = "SELECT * FROM THETABLE";
int i;
/* Get the list */
run_query_result(query, res_set);
/*Lets try some stuff with res_set */
mysql_field_seek(&res_set, 0);
for (i=0; i<mysql_num_fields(&res_set); i++) {
field = mysql_fetch_field(&res_set);
if (row[i] == NULL) {
} else {
printf("%s\t", row[i]);
return( Pt_CONTINUE );