Technical User
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_px1]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@birthmth char(2)
select coreid,birthmth,attrtype
from core inner join attribute
on attrid = coreid
where attrtype = 'px1'
and brthmn = @brthmn
When executed, this passes a single parameter for a birth month. Now I want to pass multiple birth months (ie 08,09,10) while still keeping the inner join with the attribute table. How can I accomplish this?
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@birthmth char(2)
select coreid,birthmth,attrtype
from core inner join attribute
on attrid = coreid
where attrtype = 'px1'
and brthmn = @brthmn
When executed, this passes a single parameter for a birth month. Now I want to pass multiple birth months (ie 08,09,10) while still keeping the inner join with the attribute table. How can I accomplish this?