I'm trying to pass two (2) parameters to a CR from a VB app. I keep getting an error message stating "Error 20553(invalid parameter field value)"
I have included the code that I am using.
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.
cr.Destination = 0
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Me.Enabled = False
cr.WindowShowCancelBtn = False
B = Format$(Text1, "yyyy,mm,dd"
D = Format$(Text2, "yyyy,mm,dd"
cr.ParameterFields(i) = "BeginDate;Date(" & B & "True"
i = i + 1
cr.ParameterFields(i) = "EnDate;Date(" & D & "True"
cr.Action = 1
I have included the code that I am using.
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.
cr.Destination = 0
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
Me.Enabled = False
cr.WindowShowCancelBtn = False
B = Format$(Text1, "yyyy,mm,dd"
D = Format$(Text2, "yyyy,mm,dd"
cr.ParameterFields(i) = "BeginDate;Date(" & B & "True"
i = i + 1
cr.ParameterFields(i) = "EnDate;Date(" & D & "True"
cr.Action = 1