Technical User
This is my first post. I have a number of spreadsheets in Excell I will be converting to csv to then input into a MySql db using phpMyAdmin. Every record in the MySql db has a field called References with index names and numbers. Some records in the db have over sixty of these index names and numbers in the References field. An example of the index names and numbers would be ---
cat 122:111 ; dog 1000:222 ; foster 1111; tween 1:001
Is there any way to hyperlink from the cell containing these index names and numbers to a table called References so when the user clicks on a hyperlink in the initial results page showing these values in a cell, all the matching records in the References table with any of these index names and numbers shows up on a second results page? I know I can call up a results page by passing individual values using a hyperlink. What I do not know is how to pull up many records on a results page using 50 or 60 variables like the ones above at one time. Do I need to create some kind of index file containing a duplicate of the names and numbers so when records in the index file are called up all of the associated names and numbers pull records to appear on the results page or is there another way?
To be more specific and to try to explain this more fully...I have two tables, a table name FirstRetrieval and a table names References.
In the table called References, each record in the table contains one or more names and index numbers. I want to access the References table by using a hyperlink on a results page from the FirstRetrieval table. There can be 50, 60, or more names and index numbers appearing in the results page from a first data retrieval action by a user when the user accessing the First Retrieval table. I want the user to be able to click on a "See These" link in the names and index cell of the First Retrieval table results page so all of the corresponding records from the References table will be retrieved. My problem is I do not know how to, or even if I can, embed many of the index names and numbers in an html search string.
Thank you in advance for any replies.
cat 122:111 ; dog 1000:222 ; foster 1111; tween 1:001
Is there any way to hyperlink from the cell containing these index names and numbers to a table called References so when the user clicks on a hyperlink in the initial results page showing these values in a cell, all the matching records in the References table with any of these index names and numbers shows up on a second results page? I know I can call up a results page by passing individual values using a hyperlink. What I do not know is how to pull up many records on a results page using 50 or 60 variables like the ones above at one time. Do I need to create some kind of index file containing a duplicate of the names and numbers so when records in the index file are called up all of the associated names and numbers pull records to appear on the results page or is there another way?
To be more specific and to try to explain this more fully...I have two tables, a table name FirstRetrieval and a table names References.
In the table called References, each record in the table contains one or more names and index numbers. I want to access the References table by using a hyperlink on a results page from the FirstRetrieval table. There can be 50, 60, or more names and index numbers appearing in the results page from a first data retrieval action by a user when the user accessing the First Retrieval table. I want the user to be able to click on a "See These" link in the names and index cell of the First Retrieval table results page so all of the corresponding records from the References table will be retrieved. My problem is I do not know how to, or even if I can, embed many of the index names and numbers in an html search string.
Thank you in advance for any replies.