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Passing form values to sql query in ADO

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Jul 9, 2003
I am new to VBscripting. I need to create ADOCommand sql string to select all records that are between user entered start date and end date and user entered county in a html form.

The main idea is to display a report based on the specified dates and counties in a form. I need to accept the values from the user and then pass those values to sql query string and process them.
I would like to know how do I pass these values to sql string without creating a Access procedure or query. Can we use ADOCommand parameters for this? If so, how do we do that. Please find the code below. Please help.

<%Option Explicit%>
<!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib"
FILE="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll" -->


Dim objCommand, objRS
Dim strConnectionString
Dim DBPathName
Dim dtStartDt,dtEndDt,strCounty
Dim intNoofRecords

DBPathName = server.mappath("census.mdb")
strConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & DBPathName & ";"
Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

objCommand.ActiveConnection = strConnectionString
dtStartDt = Request.Form("eleStartDt")
dtEndDt = Request.Form("eleEndDt")
strCounty = Request.Form("elecounty")

objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Participant WHERE Analysis_Date BETWEEN " & "Format(" & dtStartDt & "," & "'mm/dd/yy'" & ")" & " AND " & "Format(" & dtEndDt & "," & "'mm/dd/yy'" & ")" & _
" AND CountyID = " & "'" & strCounty & "'"
objCommand.CommandType = adCmdText

Set objRS = objCommand.Execute

intNoofRecords = objRS.recordcount

Set objCommand = Nothing

If intNoofRecords > 5 Then
' now loop through the records
While Not objRS.EOF
Response.Write objRS("Analysis_Date") & ": " & objRS("County") & "<BR>"
' now close and clean up
Set objRS = Nothing
msg = "There should be at least 5 participants to analyse the data"
Response.write ("<" & "script language=VBScript>")
Response.write ("Msgbox """ & msg & """<" & "/script>")
' now close and clean up
Set objRS = Nothing
Response.Redirect "newApplication.asp"
End If


You may try something like this:
objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Participant WHERE Analysis_Date BETWEEN #" _
 & Year(dtStartDt) & "-" & Month(dtStartDt) & "-" & Day(dtStartDt) & "# And #" _
 & Year(dtEndDt) & "-" & Month(dtEndDt) & "-" & Day(dtEndDt) & "#" _
 & " AND CountyID='" & strCounty & "'"

Hope This Helps, PH.
[0] The major technical hurle to overcome is whether the string so passed in the request object can be converted to date or datetime type. If it can you can simply use cdate() to do it and use directly in the sql statement. It is _not_ a format problem.
dtStartDt = [red]cdate([/red]Request.Form("eleStartDt")[red])[/red]
dtEndDt = [red]cdate([/red]Request.Form("eleEndDt")[red])[/red]
objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Participant WHERE Analysis_Date BETWEEN " & [red]dtStartDt & " AND " & dtEndDt[/red] & _
" AND CountyID = " & "'" & strCounty & "'"
[0.1] If it cannot be convert to date/datetime, due to completely wrong user input in the form _or_ that the month/day are susceptible to be wrongly recognized, then, you have to validate it for the former and if it failed redirect to another page for user's amendment; or, for the latter, you do some surgery to make it unambiguous. Usually something like "yyyy-mm-dd" will always be unambiguously converted. Literal #yyyy-mm-dd# will always work fine too. Other form more familiar can also be acceptable as long as there is nolonger any ambiguity for the machine.

[1] >Can we use ADOCommand parameters for this? If so, how do we do that.
You sure can and it can be done very simply.
dtStartDt = [red]cdate([/red]Request.Form("eleStartDt")[red])[/red]
dtEndDt = [red]cdate([/red]Request.Form("eleEndDt")[red])[/red]
strCounty = Request.Form("elecounty")

objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Participant WHERE Analysis_Date BETWEEN [red]x AND y[/red] & _
" AND CountyID = [red]z[/red]"
objCommand.CommandType = adCmdText
'@p,@q and @r concrete names are not generically important and are chosen deliberately very different from x, y and z. Also the @ symbol is not generic neither. The only generically important to observe is the order of their create and append operation.
objCommand.parameters.append(objCommand.createParameter("@p", adDate, adParamInput,, dtStartDt))
objCommand.parameters.append(objCommand.createParameter("@q", adDate, adParamInput,, dtEndDt))
objCommand.parameters.append(objCommand.createParameter("@r", adVarChar, adParamInput,len(strCounty), strCounty))
Set objRS = objCommand.Execute

'etc etc...
Upon re-read, there is an obvious typo in editing for the corresponding line which should read like this.
objCommand.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Participant WHERE Analysis_Date BETWEEN x AND y[red]"[/red] & _
" AND CountyID = z"
Just another note

[2] I see now you have some msgbox() in the server-side block. That is not allowed. (Who to see the message?) Take them all out. If you need messages for debugging, use response.write to the client or use some log file to record them for debugging.

[2.1] Sorry [2] is an illusion. There is no msgbox on the server-side. It is inside response.write, so it is displayed on the client-side. Nevertheless, it is a kind of barely exposed script. Maybe a write to some predefined container in the page would be better? In any case, note [2] has no point.
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