I was wondering if anyone had a better idea to pass variables to all the frames on a page, other than this little ASP that draws my frameset:
This works good, but the problem is I have to remember to put an IF statement for every variable I pass. I'm hoping there is an easier way.
Dim sParams
sParams = "?"
If Request("A") <> "" Then _
sParams = sParams & "A=" & _
Request("A") & "&"
If Request("B") <> "" Then _
sParams = sParams & "B=" & _
Request("B") & "&"
sParams = Left(sParams, Len(sParams) - 1)
]/code]Then this:[code]
<frameset rows="50,*">
<frame src="Page1.htm<% = sParams %>">
<frame src="Page2.htm<% = sParams %>">
This works good, but the problem is I have to remember to put an IF statement for every variable I pass. I'm hoping there is an easier way.